This is a garment I created in the CLO software for a women's sustainable business-wear collection. Details include: a repeat patterns that I created, applied to a fit garment on a model, as well as flat patterns.
These are examples of patterns I created in Gerber AccuMark Explorer. Some are explorations into fabric manipulations, while others are patterns from articles of clothing.
A full tech pack for a garment prototype constructed for the Women's Avant Garde Couture Collection. This dress' pattern is the same textile used on the blue bark jacket.
A complete tech pack done for a pair of medium-weight cotton shorts. See the rub-off pattern in the photo collection above from the CAD screenshots.
A computer illustration collection inspired by sashiko stitching and sustainability. Flats as well as computer-generated illustrations showcase the work using remnant fabrics and special thread detailing.
A complete tech pack for a woven, button-down shirt. All tech packs include: Front View, Back View, Details page(s), Grade Rules, Bill of Materials, and Construction Page